Celebrate Orange Shirt Day with Meaningful Events & Activities
This day holds critical importance as it celebrates the private school encounters of Native kids in Canada and fills in as a sign of the continuous effect of colonization on Native people group. This article will investigate the historical backdrop of Orange Shirt Day, its importance, and how things are seen the nation over. The Historical Backdrop of Orange Shirt Day Orange Shirt Day Canada , our unique Orange Shirt Day collection, honors the Indigenous communities' spirit of resiliency and tenacity. We offer clothing goods, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and stickers with motivational sayings about resilience, strength, and optimism for all Canadians. The Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS), which supports survivors and their families, will receive the proceeds from selling these products. The Meaning of Orange Shirt Day Orange Shirt Day has a striking orange print that will draw attention and it is ideal for wearing to raise awarenes...